Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery
Cakes, Cupcakes & Small Cakes, Puddings & Pies

Lemon Passionfruit Cheesecakes

You know those biscuits I posted earlier in the week? Well, I thought it would be nice to show you another way you can use them, just in case, for some inexplicable reason, you have some left over.

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery

Also, it has been a while since cheesecake made an appearance on this little space of the inter webs, and while, if I am honest, a baked cheesecake, especially a New York vanilla one, will always be my preferred cheesecake of choice, there are times when a non-baked one is required. One that you can throw together and pop in the fridge until it is needed.

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery

Although these particular cheesecakes require three stages in their construction, each layer doesn’t take long to set, because they are only little. If you don’t have or don’t want to make them in little individual dishes then you can make it as one big one, but depending on the size of the tin you want to use or the size of the group you wish to feed, you may want to double the quantity.

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery

Also, my passionfruit were on the sharp side – their skins were not wrinkly enough I fear to provide a sweeter juice – so I needed to add quite a bit of sugar. If your passionfruit are quite wrinkly and therefore likely to provide a sweeter juice, add the sugar a little at a time, tasting as you go, until you get something you feel is acceptably sweet. Remember that cold things don’t taste as sweet, so you will want to go a little sweeter than you usually would.

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery

Oh, and one more thing, I have listed greek yoghurt in the ingredients below but these will also work with a dairy-free yoghurt alternative if you want to keep the dairy to a minimum.

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes {gluten free} | The Pink Rose Bakery

Lemon & Passionfruit Cheesecakes


Biscuit Layer:

  • 6 Lemon Flaxmeal Biscuits, or biscuit of your choice
  • 15g melted butter

Cheesecake Layer:

  • 2.5 tsp powdered gelatine
  • 3 tbsp hot water
  • 233g (1 cup) low-fat cottage cheese
  • 220g (1 cup) plain greek yoghurt
  • 77g (1/2 cup) powdered sugar

Passionfruit Jelly Layer:

  • 50ml passionfruit juice (approximately juice from 3 passion fruits)
  • 1/2 tsp powered gelatine
  • 2 1/2 tsp powered sugar

Small sprigs of min leaves for decoration, if desired.


  1. Place the biscuits for the base in a small sandwich bag and bash with a rolling-pin until they are reduced to crumbs. Place in a small bowl with the melted butter and mix together.
  2. Divide between 6 small dishes and pack down to form a biscuit layer. Pop in the fridge to set while you make the cheesecake layer.
  3. Place the hot water in a small bowl and sprinkle over the powered gelatine. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Set aside.
  4. Place the cottage cheese, yoghurt and powered sugar in a food processor and blitz until smooth and there are no lumps of cottage cheese remaining.
  5. Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and heat gently until it is body temperature (just steaming and you can put your finger comfortably in it). Add the gelatine and mix, making sure there are no lumps.
  6. Take the bases out of the fridge and pour over the cheesecake layer, filling each one as equally as possible. Carefully put back in the fridge for an hour or so to set.
  7. Once the cheesecake layer has set, make the passionfruit jelly layer : place the passionfruit juice in a small bowl and gradually add the powered sugar, tasting as you go until you reach the desired sweetness. Place in a microwave for a few seconds to heat it up and then sprinkle over the powered gelatine. Mix until it has dissolved.
  8. Take the cheesecakes out the fridge and spoon a thin layer of the passionfruit jelly over the top. Return to the fridge to set.
  9. Decorate with small sprigs of mint leaves if desired.

Note: Best enjoyed within 24 hours of making.

© The Pink Rose Bakery 2015

12 thoughts on “Lemon Passionfruit Cheesecakes”

  1. How pretty they are! I tend to make passionfruit cheesecake when the Dowager rocks up with a bag of passionfruit from her vine. My personal favourite for the bickie base is gingernuts, which make a nice foil for the rich tangyness of the cheesecake and topping.


      1. Ah, now, I have the advantage there, one of our supermarket own label gluten free ranges has some super gingernuts, that don’t disintegrate in a cup of tea or coffee.


      2. Now I am jealous! Most gluten-free biscuits over here, especially the supermarket own brand ones, are now made with oat flour . . . rubbish!


      3. That’s one big difference here – oats are clearly identified as containing gluten (or avenin, the oaty equivalent) and GF products can’t contain it. At only 20 ppm, our gluten free standards are higher than almost anywhere else, which is probably why a lot of things are beyond our reach…


      4. They are using gluten-free oat flour, but as we know . . . that no good for some of us 😦 They don’t seem to realise that, but then, why cater for the minority . . .

        Liked by 1 person

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